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Rainbow Bridge

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Brandy Green November 20, 1998-February 3, 2017 The sun was shining and the wind chimes were ringing as our Brandy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I know Callie and Lucy were overjoyed to see her again. Picturing the three of them, along with all the other beloved Green dogs that have left us, running free and happy together with whole, healthy bodies brings us some comfort. Brandy was a strong and courageous girl. We will remember the days when her tail wagged furiously at the sight of us. We will remember her taking sunbaths belly up in the grass, chasing anything that moved in the backyard, ruling from her perch on the chaise lounge and taking long afternoon naps in "her" chair. We have loved her dearly and will miss her more than we can say. With broken hearts, we bid her farewell.

From a tiny rescued kitten to a big cat with a big personality, Pearl captivated everyone who met her. She lived large in her short life and even inspired a business for her person and aunt. Miss you, Pearl, still expect to see you in the window.

June 12, 1999 – September 24, 2011 This is my Buddy. He was a stray. I found him when he was about three months old. He was my best friend, my cohort, my body guard, my alarm system, my psychiatrist, and my pal. He loved my daughter and me without reservation. He was always there to greet me when I came home. He played with my daughter. He was her little pony. Now, he is gone. He is sorely missed by the other pets, my daughter, and me. He is no longer in pain and we look forward to seeing him once again. May he rest in peace knowing that he was greatly loved by all.

Lady- Momma's Ladybug. She was the greatest dog and best friend. Loved everyone she met. She left behind 14 precious puppies. She is greatly missed by ALL.

I'm Up Here! Hey, here I am--over here! Oh how beautiful! There's a wooden bridge with the most wonderful aroma of bright colorful flowers along the hand rails. The flowers are mixed around patches of green fresh clover across each end. The best tasting cool clear water flows over bright white pebbles and sparkling colored rocks underneath the bridge. Sunshine is bright yet soft to my eyes. A most gentle spring breeze slowly waves the flowers streaming down from the bridge rails. At the end of the bridge, through a meadow of green grass, are brown shiny river rock steps with lots of dogs running playfully up and down with great big happy smiles. I see so many old friends and it's really great to see them again! Cats are lined up and down the sides of the steps. All tails are slowly waving back and forth in the gentle breeze while they watch us play---giggling and loving all the fun. And, hey! There's that big tall man who owns this place!! He always laughs and claps for us when he comes to watch us. He even runs and plays with us! He is so much fun ---we love Him and He loves us too! We are loving it up here!! Hug and love my friends at home for me. See you later!!! In loving memory of Rudy by Joan Carrier

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